Synergy Performa Training and Consulting adalah perusahaan yang berfokus dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia khususnya dalam bidang Service (Pelayanan), Selling (Penjualan), Leadership (Kepemimpinan), Communication (Komunikasi) dan Personal Development (Pengembangan Diri).
Your Trusted Partner in Productivity & Performance Building
Your Trusted Partner in Productivity & Performance Building
Leadership And Managerial Skills
Leadership skill merupakan kompetensi dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap karyawan di perusahaan. Kemampuan kepemimpinan yang baik akan membantu para pemimpin perusahaan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja baik skala individu maupun organisasi.
Selling Skills and Service Excellence
Kompetisi dalam dunia bisnis sangat ketat. Selling dan Service adalah nyawa dari Perusahaan. Perusahaan yang dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaiklah yang akan memenangkan kompetisi, oleh karenanya perusahaan perlu untuk terus mampu memberikan pelayanan prima.
Public Speaking & Communication
Effective Communication Skill merupakan kemampuan utama yang harus dimiliki oleh karyawan. Kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik akan membantu organisasi untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam memberikan pelayanan yang optimal.
Personality & Career Development
Dalam dunia kerja, motivasi sangat dibutuhkan oleh para karyawan dalam hubungannya dengan pengembangan karir dan prestasi. Proses mengembangkan diri menjadi keharusan yang akan membantu kita meraih kesuksesan dalam karir dan kehidupan.
Our Training Benefits
Entertaining, Impactful and Meaningful
Our Training Products
We Help Organizations Innovate, Growth and Lead
Public Speaking Training
"Bicara Percaya Diri, Menggerakan dan Menginspirasi"
Training Service Excellence
“Service and Communication with Heart”
Training Working by HEART
"Bekerja Bahagia, Bekerja dengan CINTA"
Leadership Development Program
"Empowering Good Employees Into Great Leaders"
Service Excellence in Healthcare
“Service and Communication with Heart”
Training Selling Skills
How to Sell Anything and Influence Customers"
Effective Communication at Work
"Bridging the Gap: Creating a Workplace Culture of High Trust"
Training For Trainers
“How to Be Impactful and Meaningful Trainers”
Training Working by HEART
"How to Empower Your Employees to be Problem Solvers"
Training Motivasi Sekolah
“Sekolah Inkubator Peradaban”
Training Career Preparation
"Transforming Passion in to Profession"
Excellent Business Presentation
"How To Improve Presentation Skills And Self-confidence"
Our Team and Associate
Meet Our Expert
Master Trainer Expert in High Impact Spiritual and Emotional Training I Certified Trainer BNSP Republik Indonesia I Certified Public Speaking Academy I Certified Trainer NLP Practitioner I
Certified Corporate Trainer BNSP RI I Certified Facilitator Markplus Institute Jakarta I Certified Competence BNSP in Marketing (Brand, Sales and Service Operation I Expert in Leadership, Communication, Service Excellent and People Development
Certified Talent Mapping Practitioner from Talent Mapping Indonesia I Millenials Trainer Expert in Leadership, Ice Breaking, Experiential Learning, Public Speaking for Teens and Organizational Management
Slide Presentation DesignerI Professional Trainer I Expert in Motivational, Parenting and Business Presentation I Certified Digital Marketing BNSP Republik Indonesia I Certified NLP Practitoner I Certified Public Speaking Academy
Associate Trainer Synergy Performa Training and Consulting I Millennials Trainer Expert in Youth Leadership, Education Organization, Experiential learning and Public Speaking Training I Influencer
Certified Competence Public Speaking by BNSP RI I ESQ training Chapter 1 ( Passion, Dream & Agility) I ESQ Training Next Chapter (Teamwork & Leadership ) I Influencing Skill training Certified by ESQ I Being a Coach for Agile Learners Training Certified by ECC.CO.Id
Associate Trainer Synergy Performa Training and Consulting, Psychology enthusiast for Human Resources Management (HRM), Certified Trainer BNSP Republik Indonesia, Certified Human Capital Management (CHCM), Certified (Cand) Comprehensive Handwriting Analysis by KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis
Associate Trainer Synergy Performa Training and Consulting I Millenials Trainer I Expert in Youth Leadership, Ice Breaking , Experiential learning and Public Speaking for Teens I Certified Experiental Learning by BNSP and AELI
Our Completed Project
Mari Bersinergi Bersama Kami
Synergy Performa Training And Consulting
Your Trusted Partner in Productivity and Performance Building